The third international conference on Isogeometric Analysis and Applications will take place at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands, from April 23 - 27, 2018. After the successful IGAA conferences in 2012 and 2014 this conference again aims at bringing together experts from Isogeometric Analysis theory and application and at promoting wider awareness throughout the Isogeometric Analysis community of recent developments in this field.
This third edition of the conference has a special track Isogeometric Analysis in Industry inviting experts in industrial applications and practitioners to share their experience with Isogeometric Analysis with researchers in this field. Further information will follow soon.
Keynote Speakers
- Jessica Zhang (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, United States)
- Josef Kiendl (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
- Thomas J.R. Hughes (The University of Texas at Austin, United States)
- Carlotta Giannelli (University of Florence, Italy)
- Kenji Takada (Honda R&D Co., Ltd.)
Conference Topics
- Numerical simulation using Isogeometric Analysis
- Spline spaces providing local adaptivity
- Fast Solvers for IGA schemes
- Numerical Analysis of the IGA approach
- Design optimization
- Applications such as Fluid/Structure interaction
- Geometric Modeling for Isogeometric Analysis
- Industrial application solved by IGA
Conference Organizers
- Harald van Brummelen, TU Eindhoven,
- Kees Vuik, TU Delft,
- Matthias Möller, TU Delft,
- Clemens Verhoosel, TU Eindhoven,
- Deborah Dongor, TU Delft,
- Berna Torun, TU Delft,
Contact Information
For administrative information about the conference, please contact Mrs. Deborah Dongor.